Happy New Year! Join us as we seek the Lord’s Face for 21 days!
Why do we fast?
Fasting was an expected discipline in both the Old and New Testament eras. For example, Moses fasted at least two recorded forty-day periods. Jesus fasted for 40 days and reminded His followers to fast "when you fast," not if you fast.
Fasting and prayer can restore the loss of the "first love" for your Lord and result in a more intimate relationship with Christ.
Fasting is a biblical way to truly humble yourself in the sight of God (Psalm 35:13; Ezra 8:21). King David said, "I humble myself through fasting."
Fasting enables the Holy Spirit to reveal your true spiritual condition, resulting in brokenness, repentance, and a transformed life.
The Holy Spirit will quicken the Word of God in your heart, and His truth will become more meaningful to you!
Fasting can transform your prayer life into a richer and more personal experience.
Fasting can result in a dynamic personal revival and make you a channel of revival to others.
The type of fast you go on is up to you. You can go on a full fast in which you only drink liquids, or you may desire to fast like Daniel, who abstained from sweets and meats, and the only liquid he drank was water. For those who cannot abstain from food for medical reasons, there are other ways to fast, such as no TV or Social media.
At Harvest-Olney, we do not enforce a particular type of fast. It is left up to the individual to decide the fast to follow. Regardless of the type of fast you choose, it is important to prioritize prayer and Bible study.